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Rose Quartz Dragon Heart Goddess Aava


This unique Dragon Goddess sits 2.7 inches tall. She has long soft green hair and wears a Rosaline pink crystal and pearl tiara crown. Her incredible Aura wings are 4 inches wide and are pink and green in colour. Highlighted with rainbow sparkles, they are truly Magical. On her heart chakra she holds 2 pink Swarovski crystals. 


This Dragon Goddess has come to our planet to encourage love. And so she carries with her a beautiful Rose Quartz Crystal heart. 


Rose quartz is known as a healing crystal and the stone of unconditional love. It's believed by some to emit strong vibrations of love, which are thought to: support emotional and relationship healing.


Rose Quartz Heart Crystal Heart may be removed should you wish. 


Hand made with all my love. 


Rose Quartz Dragon Heart Goddess Aava

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